Monday, April 5, 2010

In your core...

I was just tweeting with my friend @winonakent about believing in oneself and how hard that can be when you work in the arts.
And immediately images of myself and my director-, actor-, writer-, painter-, musician-, well all creative friends, popped up in my mind.

Struggle with oneself and one's craft seems to be imminent in whatever art you work on.
Your craft is SO personal, it comes from your most inner depths...
You can't hide behind numbers or relativity, it's all about you, and the things that pop out of your mind...
As a result it's the scariest but at the same time most beautiful path one can choose...or better said; that is chosen for one....

We're all creating baked air, after all...
Baked air, that sprouts from our hearts and most inner core.

I think this is the reason why it's so hard for artists to go through difficult periods.
If your performance as an actor sucks, then it wasn't due to a miscalculation or a memo you didn't get,
it was due to you.
And even tho it's a craft, and you're doing your best, it always feels like a personal defeat.
Same for directors, painters, writers...
It hurts like hell to create art, whatever kind...
But at the same time, it's absolutely essential and beautiful.

And even tho we all go through periods when we think;
"Gawd, I wish I were a administrative assistant, or a baker, so I didn't have to deal with this shite"
...we can't let it's in embedded our hearts after all.
Once it touches you...all you can do is go for it, struggle through the dark patches and lost times, and believe in yourself and your craft.
You WILL get through it, and it WILL make you stronger, and better at your craft, because you will carry your experiences with you, even if you can't see it at the time.

Believing in what you do, and who you are is always key.
(No matter what you do, really...)

Might sound cheesy, but I can't describe it in another way...
I too am a sensitive artisty person after all...


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